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Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting is a specialized area of accounting whose practitioners uncover and analyze financial records and transactions to help solve and prosecute financial crimes.  These crimes include fraud, bribery, money laundering, embezzlement, securities fraud, identity theft, compensation disputes and asset tracing – to name just a few.

With backgrounds in accounting, fraud detection and regulatory compliance, Integrity One Solutions has found and helped recover assets in both the private and public sector. We’ve supported legal action against embezzlers and helped secure both plea deals and convictions for local, regional, national and international organizations. For clients, these successes translate into reduced bureaucratic red tape and access to prosecutorial expertise that helps ensure justice is served.

Clients receive comprehensive work papers that explain our findings, as well as in-depth information needed to support litigation or criminal proceedings. We are also available to testify as expert witnesses, if needed.

Our forensic accounting services include:

A proven strategy

With years of expertise in forensic accounting investigations in the public and private sectors, Integrity One Solutions has a history of uncovering embezzlement, fraud and other financial irregularities.

Our comprehensive methodology has resulted in significant results for clients, including:

Most importantly, our reports and documentation not only withstand legal challenges, but also often result in settlements before trial.

Forensic Accounting Case Studies

Cost Overruns Tied to Embezzlement Scheme


When a construction project went over budget by 50%, an extra $2 million, the investors wanted answers.

Read the full case study

Delinquent Parent Goes into Hiding

Legal Support

A delinquent parent went to great lengths to conceal her new address and employer to avoid paying child support.

Read the full case study

Undercover Investigation Exposes Employee Crime


A venue had concerns that employees were engaging in unethical, and possibly illegal, activities at work.

Read the full case study

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